Crossword Genius

A wild animal but it's all right, a quiet one (5)


I believe the answer is:


'a wild animal' is the definition.
(I've seen this before)

'it's all right a quiet one' is the wordplay.
'it's all right' becomes 'ok' (synonyms).
'quiet' becomes 'p' (music symbol for 'piano', ie soft or quiet).
'one' becomes 'i' (Roman numeral).

'but' is the link.

(Other definitions for okapi that I've seen before include "Wild animal" , "Native of Central Africa" , "Type of giraffe" , "Central Afr. ruminant" , "Mammal of giraffe family" .)

I've seen this clue in The Irish Independent, The Telegraph, The Guardian and The Globe and Mail.
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