After murder in NY, Ray's getting bladed item (3,5)
I believe the answer is:
ice skate
'bladed item' is the definition.
The answer and definition can be both man-made objects as well as being singular nouns.
Maybe you can see a link between them that I can't see?
'after murder in ny ray's' is the wordplay.
I cannot really understand how this works, but
'murder' could be 'ice' (slang term) and 'ice' is located in the answer.
'ray' could be 'skate' (skate is a kind of ray) and 'skate' is found within the answer.
This accounts for all the letters.
This explanation may well be incorrect...
'getting' acts as a link.
Can you help me to learn more?
(Other definitions for ice skate that I've seen before include "Use blades" , "it makes progress in an entertainment centre" , "Glide over frozen water" , "Boot worn on a cold surface" , "Attachment to a winter sport's boot" .)