Crossword Genius

Answer after song about a bete noire (8)


I believe the answer is:


'bete noire' is the definition.
('anathema' can be a synonym of 'bete noire')

'answer after song about a' is the wordplay.
'answer' becomes 'a' (abbreviation eg in Q and A).
'after' means one lot of letters go next to another.
'song' becomes 'anthem' (anthem is a kind of song**).
'about' indicates putting letters inside.
'anthem' going around 'a' is 'anathem'.
'a' put after 'anathem' is 'ANATHEMA'.

(Other definitions for anathema that I've seen before include "Condemned or excommunicated by church" , "Formal curse or expulsion by the Church" , "Abomination, bugbear" , "Something one vehemently dislikes" , "Accursed by the Church" .)

I've seen this clue in The Telegraph.
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