Crossword Genius

Anticipation of wisdom keeping American quiet (8)


I believe the answer is:


'anticipation' is the definition.
(I know that suspense is a type of anticipation)

'wisdom keeping american quiet' is the wordplay.
'wisdom' becomes 'sense' (sense is a kind of wisdom).
'keeping' indicates putting letters inside.
'american' becomes 'us' (abbreviation for United States).
'quiet' becomes 'p' (music symbol for 'piano', ie soft or quiet).
'sense' enclosing 'usp' is 'SUSPENSE'.

'of' is the link.

(Other definitions for suspense that I've seen before include "Feeling of excitement or anxiety about what might happen" , "State of uncertainty or excitement" , "Excited anticipation of approaching climax" , "Discontinuance - indecision - excitement" , "State of anxiety or excitement" .)

I've seen this clue in The Telegraph and The Sun.
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