Crossword Genius

Apparently it was partitioned and erased accidentally (3,3)


I believe the answer is:

red sea

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'apparently it was partitioned' is the definition.
I can't tell whether this definition defines the answer.

'erased accidentally' is the wordplay.
'accidentally' indicates anagramming the letters (a chaotic or accidental ordering of the letters).
'erased' with letters rearranged gives 'RED SEA'.

'and' is the link.

Can you help me to learn more?

(Other definitions for red sea that I've seen before include "Water parted by God to let Moses lead the Israelites out of Egypt" , "large volume of saline solution" , "It lies between Asia and Africa" , "It's linked to the Mediterranean by the Suez Canal" , "Water between north Africa and Arabia" .)

I've seen this clue in The Independent.
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