Crossword Genius

Appreciates rock star on the rise covering tight underwear (6)


I believe the answer is:


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'tight underwear' is the definition.
'corset' can be an answer for 'underwear' (I've seen this before). I'm not sure about the 'tight' bit.

'appreciates rock star on the rise covering' is the wordplay.
'covering' indicates a hidden word.
'on the rise' is a reversal indicator (in a down clue, letters go up).
'tesroc' is hidden in the letters of 'appreciates rock star'.
'tesroc' written backwards gives 'CORSET'.

Can you help me to learn more?

(Other definitions for corset that I've seen before include "Tight-fitting bodice" , "Female undergarment" , "A woman's close-fitting support undergarment" , "Type of bodice" , "Tight undergarment" .)

I've seen this clue in The Irish Times.
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