Bare mud moulded into shape in place where airplanes go missing (7,8)
I believe the answer is:
bermuda triangle
'shape in place where airplanes go missing' is the definition.
I don't know anything about this answer so I cannot judge whether this works.
'bare mud moulded into' is the wordplay.
'moulded' indicates an anagram.
'into' becomes 'triangle' (I am not sure about this - if you are sure you should give a lot more credence to this answer).
'baremud' with letters rearranged gives 'bermuda'.
'bermuda'+'triangle'='BERMUDA TRIANGLE'
Can you help me to learn more?
(Other definitions for bermuda triangle that I've seen before include "associated with disappearing craft?" , "notorious danger area?" , "mysterious place" , "Area of mystery" , "Place where ships have been mysteriously lost" .)