Crossword Genius

Be very angry, then frivolous — change for the better? (3,3,5)


I believe the answer is:

see the light

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'change for the better?' is the definition.
I don't know anything about this answer so I cannot tell whether this works.

'be very angry then frivolous' is the wordplay.
'be very angry' becomes 'seethe' (I've seen this before).
'then' means one lot of letters go next to another.
'frivolous' becomes 'light' (light can mean trivial or unimportant).
'seethe'+'light'='SEE THE LIGHT'

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(Other definitions for see the light that I've seen before include "Realise one's mistake" , "Realise the error of one's ways" , "Gain sudden understanding" , "get it?" , "Gain sudden insight - be religiously converted" .)

I've seen this clue in The Guardian.
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