Crossword Genius

Bent cop's car carries heroin, a reliable money-maker (4,4)


I believe the answer is:

cash crop

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'a reliable money-maker' is the definition.
The definition suggests a singular noun which matches the answer.

'bent cop's car carries heroin' is the wordplay.
'bent' is an anagram indicator.
'carries' indicates putting letters inside (inserted letters carried inside).
'heroin' becomes 'H' (H is a slang term for heroin).
'copscar' anagrammed gives 'cascrop'.
'cascrop' placed around 'h' is 'CASH CROP'.

Can you help me to learn more?

(Other definitions for cash crop that I've seen before include "Harvest for sale rather than consumption" , "Commercial farm product" , "Profitable farm produce" , "Ready-saleable harvest" , "What the grower will sell" .)

I've seen this clue in The Independent.
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