Blunder involving swimmer in turbulent water (4-3)
I believe the answer is:
'turbulent water' is the definition.
'tide rip' can be an answer for 'water' (I have seen 'rough water' mean 'tide rip' so perhaps 'water' could also mean 'tide rip'). I am not certain of the 'turbulent' bit.
'blunder involving swimmer' is the wordplay.
'blunder' becomes 'trip' (trip is a kind of blunder).
'involving' is an insertion indicator.
'swimmer' becomes 'ide' (type of fish, something that swims).
'trip' enclosing 'ide' is 'TIDE-RIP'.
'in' is the link.
Can you help me to learn more?
(Another definition for tide-rip that I've seen is " Area of rough sea where currents meet".)