Crossword Genius

Box containing nothing is tarnishing top drawer (10)


I believe the answer is:


'drawer' is the definition.
(cartoonist is a kind of drawer)

'box containing nothing is tarnishing top' is the wordplay.
'box' becomes 'carton' (carton is a kind of box).
'containing' indicates putting letters inside.
'nothing' becomes 'O' (looks like zero - 0).
'top' indicates taking the first letters (in a down clue, the first letter is top).
The initial letter of 'tarnishing' is 't'.
'carton' going around 'o' is 'cartoon'.

(Other definitions for cartoonist that I've seen before include "Eg, Peter Brookes" , "Low" , "drawer" , "Strip artist?" , "Scarfe, say" .)

I've seen this clue in The Daily Express.
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