Brief (5)

'brief' is the definition.
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for short that I've seen before include "Of small length" , "Limited in duration" , "Small in height" , "Cause to blow a fuse" , "Concise" .)
'brief' is the definition.
(similar in meaning)
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for concise that I've seen before include "Short and pithy" , "Using few words" , "Brief and to the point" , "Brief but pertinent" , "Short and clear" .)
'brief' is the definition.
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for succinct that I've seen before include "Concise, pithy" , "Brief, precise" , "Briefly and clearly expressed" , "Crisply brief" , "Brief, clear" .)
'brief' is the definition.
(I've seen this before)
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for fleeting that I've seen before include "Momentary" , "Evanescent" , "fast" , "Passing quickly, transitory" , "Lasting for a brief time" .)
'brief' is the definition.
(I've seen this before)
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for inform that I've seen before include "effective" , "Tell - shop" , "Give knowledge to" , "Let people know" , "Pass on knowledge" .)