Carrying blade, wandering Genoa's dangerous neighbourhood (2-2,4)
I believe the answer is:
no-go area
'dangerous neighbourhood' is the definition.
The definition suggests a singular noun which matches the answer.
'carrying blade wandering genoa's' is the wordplay.
'carrying' is an insertion indicator.
'blade' becomes 'oar' (blade is the word for oar in competitive rowing).
'wandering' indicates an anagram.
'genoa' with letters rearranged gives 'nogea'.
'oar' inserted within 'nogea' is 'NO-GO AREA'.
Can you help me to learn more?
(Other definitions for no-go area that I've seen before include "Region that's dangerous or to which entry is forbidden" , "Place where entry is forbidden to, say, police" , "District that is barred to all or certain people" , "Forbidden zone" , "Place where entry is dangerous or forbidden" .)