Crossword Genius

Charges pound to block opening up (5)


I believe the answer is:


'charges' is the definition.
(toll is a kind of charge)

'pound to block opening up' is the wordplay.
'pound' becomes 'l'.
'to block' is an insertion indicator (block can mean to fill a hole in something).
'opening' becomes 'slot' (slot is a kind of opening).
'up' is a reversal indicator (in down clue: letters go upwards).
'l' placed into 'slot' is 'sllot'.
'sllot' back-to-front is 'TOLLS'.

(Other definitions for tolls that I've seen before include "bars" , "Chimes mournfully" , "Hemingway novel 'For Whom the Bell . . . . .'" , "Road charges" .)

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