Crossword Genius

Closely follows the advertisement displays all round (7)


I believe the answer is:


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'closely follows' is the definition.
'shadows' can be an answer for 'follows' (shadowing is a kind of following). I'm not certain of the 'closely' bit.

'advertisement displays all round' is the wordplay.
'advertisement' becomes 'ad' (abbreviation).
'displays' becomes 'shows' ('show' can be a synonym of 'display').
'all round' indicates putting letters inside.
'ad' inserted within 'shows' is 'SHADOWS'.

'the' acts as a link.

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(Other definitions for shadows that I've seen before include "Follows" , "1960s band" , "They're cast by blocking the sun" , "Dark areas where the light is blocked" , "Dark things" .)

I've seen this clue in The Irish Independent.
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