Collected (8)

'collected' is the definition.
('gather' can be a synonym of 'collect')
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for gathered that I've seen before include "Concluded from evidence" , "Collected - inferred" , "Accumulated, brought together" , "Gleaned" , "assumed" .)
'collected' is the definition.
(both can mean calm)
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for serene that I've seen before include "Fair" , "Peaceful and calm in manner" , "still" , "Calm and unclouded" , "Calm and relaxed" .)
'collected' is the definition.
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for imperturbable that I've seen before include "Not excitable" , "Stoical" , "Unruffled" , "Cool" , "Equanimous" .)