Compass bearing (4)

'compass bearing' is the definition.
(I've seen this before)
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for east that I've seen before include "Tom's schoolfellow" , "An opponent of North" , "Bearing of ninety degrees" , "Direction taken when going from the US towards Ireland" , "Sunrise direction" .)
(Other definitions for west that I've seen before include "English county" , "Colombian with brews (anag)" , "One Direction" , "Dog (from Argyll?)" , "The cardinal compass point of 270 degrees" .)
'compass bearing' is the definition.
(I've seen this before)
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for north that I've seen before include "Cardinal compass point" , "He let America go" , "A 24 [STAR]" , "usually featured at the top of the charts?" , "To the left of one who is facing east" .)
(Other definitions for south that I've seen before include "Down on a map" , "Direction to the right of sunrise" , "Card player" , "1949 musical by Rodgers and Hammerstein, made into a film in 1958" , "Antarctica" .)
(Another definition for north-east that I've seen is " Top right region on a map".)
(Other definitions for eastern that I've seen before include "Of the direction of the rising sun" , "Facing away from the west" , "Possibly Japanese" , "towards daybreak?" , "Coming from the Orient" .)