Conceded (8)

'conceded' is the definition.
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for admitted that I've seen before include "Allowed to enter or owned up" , "being given access" , "taken into hospital" , "Acknowledged to be true" , "Owned up or let in" .)
'conceded' is the definition.
('grant' can be a synonym of 'concede')
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for granted that I've seen before include "Admittedly; gave formally" , "One doesn't like being taken for it" , "Given; allowed" , "Conceded" , "Admittedly; given" .)
'conceded' is the definition.
('yield' can be a synonym of 'concede')
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for yielded that I've seen before include "Brought forth" , "Bore fruit" , "Conceded" , "succumbed" , "Gave ground" .)