Crossword Genius

Cue activity regarding US sculptor's comeback (7)


I believe the answer is:


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'cue activity' is the definition.
'snooker' can be an answer for 'activity' (snooker is a kind of activity). I'm not certain of the 'cue' bit.

'regarding us sculptor's comeback' is the wordplay.
'regarding' becomes 're' (re can mean regarding, concerning).
'us sculptor' becomes 'Koons' (American artist Jeff Koons).
'comeback' shows that the letters should be reversed in order.
'rekoons' backwards is 'SNOOKER'.

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(Other definitions for snooker that I've seen before include "A percussion instrument" , "Potting game" , "Game with 22 balls" , "Game played on a billiards table" , "Ballgame" .)

I've seen this clue in The Independent.
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