Crossword Genius

Daughter getting into rocky isle does very little (5)


I believe the answer is:


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'does very little' is the definition.
I can't judge whether this definition defines the answer.

'daughter getting into rocky isle' is the wordplay.
'daughter' becomes 'd' (genealogical abbreviation).
'getting into' indicates putting letters inside.
'rocky' is an anagram indicator (letters rocked or thrown around).
'isle' is an anagram of 'iles'.
'd' going inside 'iles' is 'IDLES'.

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(Other definitions for idles that I've seen before include "Avoids working" , "Lazes around" , "Spends time doing nothing" , "Wastes time" , "Lazes about, just ticks over" .)

I've seen this clue in The Times.
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