Deal with (5)

'deal with' is the definition.
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for treat that I've seen before include "Seek terms for" , "Give care to; surprise gift" , "could be a feast" , "Minister - buy one a drink" , "Handle - delightful surprise" .)
(Another definition for seeto that I've seen is " Sort out".)
'deal with' is the definition.
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for address that I've seen before include "Direct words at" , "Speak to, approach" , "Form of identification for building" , "Speak to the residence" , "One's designated location" .)
'deal with' is the definition.
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for handle that I've seen before include "Control - deal with - write about" , "Cope with" , "Grip, hold" , "Feel; name (colloq.)" , "Infectious disease" .)
'deal with' is the definition.
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for punish that I've seen before include "Sentence" , "Possibly fine" , "beat" , "exact retribution" , "Castigate" .)
'deal with' is the definition.
(I've seen this before)
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for attend to that I've seen before include "Take seriously - wait on" , "Deal with" , "Provide for the needs of" .)
'deal with' is the definition.
(I've seen this in another clue)
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for cope that I've seen before include "Manage, come to terms with" , "Deal effectively (with something difficult)" , "Manage - poet, first name 18" , "loser of Prestonpans" , "Manage, make do" .)
'deal with' is the definition.
This is all the clue.