Decisive (7)

'decisive' is the definition.
(similar in meaning)
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for fateful that I've seen before include "Prophetic - portentous" , "critical" , "Dire in its implications" , "Ominous" , "Decisive" .)
'decisive' is the definition.
(I've seen this in another clue)
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for pivotal that I've seen before include "Of crucial importance" , "Key" , "Of central importance" , "Crucially important" , "Crucial, critical" .)
'decisive' is the definition.
(similar in meaning)
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for crucial that I've seen before include "Of critical importance, decisive" , "All-important" , "Of paramount importance" , "'Vital, essential (7)'" , "Of essential importance" .)
'decisive' is the definition.
(I've seen this in another clue)
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for final that I've seen before include "big match" , "Last match in a competition" , "The last exam or leg of competition" , "Not to be altered" , "binding" .)