Crossword Genius

Disheartened hausfrau goes back and forth around hospital, only getting non-committal response (5)


I believe the answer is:


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'hospital only getting non-committal response' is the definition.
I don't know anything about this answer so I cannot tell whether this works.

'disheartened hausfrau goes back and forth' is the wordplay.
'disheartened' says to hollow out the word (remove centre letters) (the middle or heart is removed).
'goes' indicates anagramming the letters (I've seen 'went' mean this ('go' can mean move)).
'back and forth' becomes 'huh'.
'hausfrau' with its centre taken out is 'hu'.
'hu' with letters rearranged gives 'uh'.

'around' is the link.

Can you help me to learn more?

I've seen this clue in The Irish Times.
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