Crossword Genius

Duly worried about new turn being impious (7)


I believe the answer is:


'impious' is the definition.

'duly worried about new turn' is the wordplay.
'worried' indicates an anagram (worry can mean to interfere with or disturb).
'about' is an insertion indicator.
'new' becomes 'n' (common abbreviation eg NT for New Testament).
'turn' becomes 'go' (a person's move in a board game).
'duly' anagrammed gives 'udly'.
'udly' enclosing 'ngo' is 'UNGODLY'.

'being' acts as a link.

(Other definitions for ungodly that I've seen before include "Outrageous; sinful" , "being so early?" , "Ugly Don being irreligious" , "Irreligious, immoral" , "Characterised by iniquity" .)

I've seen this clue in The Daily Express.
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