Crossword Genius

Eg Panama's food imports programme (4,4)


I believe the answer is:

chat show

'programme' is the definition.
(I've seen this before)

'eg panama's food imports' is the wordplay.
'eg panama's' becomes 'hat's' (panama is a kind of hat).
'food' becomes 'chow' (chow can informally mean food).
'imports' indicates putting letters inside (inserted letters are imported).
'hats' put within 'chow' is 'CHAT SHOW'.

(Other definitions for chat show that I've seen before include "TV programme in which celebrities are interviewed informally" , "TV celeb programme" , "Programme in which host talks informally to guests" , "Programme on which celebs talk" , "TV or radio interview programme" .)

I've seen this clue in The Sunday Times and The Times.
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