Crossword Genius

Exercises with a small warning such as might get child puffing? (10)


I believe the answer is:


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'might get child puffing?' is the definition.
I know that 'child' relates to this answer.

'exercises with a small warning' is the wordplay.
'exercises' becomes 'pe' (Physical Education).
'with' means one lot of letters go next to another.
'small' becomes 's' (abbreviation - e.g. clothes size).
'warning' becomes 'hooter' (type of siren).

'such as' is the link.

Can you help me to learn more?

(Other definitions for peashooter that I've seen before include "Toy weapon" , "child's toy" , "Child's "gun"" , "Primitive weapon" .)

I've seen this clue in The Times.
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