Feature different parts of restraint (4,5)
'restraint' is the definition.
The answer and definition can be both man-made objects as well as being singular nouns.
Maybe they are linked in a way I don't understand?
'feature different parts' is the wordplay.
'feature' becomes 'chin' (facial feature).
'different' indicates anagramming the letters (letters placed in a different order).
'parts' is an anagram of 'strap'.
'chin'+'strap'='CHIN STRAP'
'of' acts as a link.
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(Other definitions for chin strap that I've seen before include "Securer for helmet" , "Thong to hold on helmet" .)
'restraint' is the definition.
I know nothing about this answer so I can't tell whether this works.
'feature different parts' is the wordplay.
'feature' becomes 'chin' (facial feature).
'different' is an anagram indicator (letters placed in a different order).
'parts' is an anagram of 'strap'.
'of' is the link.
Can you help me to learn more?
(Other definitions for chinstrap that I've seen before include "fastener" , "Thong to hold on helmet" , "Bit of helmet" , "securing device" , "Band" .)