Crossword Genius

Fool soldier switched race date (11)


I believe the answer is:


'date' is the definition.
(I have seen 'The date' mean 'assignation' so perhaps 'date' could also mean 'assignation')

'fool soldier switched race' is the wordplay.
'fool' becomes 'ass' (both can mean a stupid person).
'soldier' becomes 'GI' (term for US soldier).
'switched' says the letters should be written in reverse.
'race' becomes 'nation' (both can mean a national or ethnic group).
'gi' in reverse letter order is 'ig'.

(Other definitions for assignation that I've seen before include "Secret rendezvous" , "Go in as saint (anag.)" , "The date" , "Secret meeting" , "clandestine meeting" .)

I've seen this clue in The Daily Express.
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