Game bird (9)

'game bird' is the definition.
(type of game bird)
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for partridge that I've seen before include "Game bird (in a pear tree?)" , "early Christmas present" , "Widespread bird" , "Animal" , "Peculiarly apt girder for the game bird" .)
(Other definitions for solitaire that I've seen before include "Gem set by itself" , "Game for one person - single gem" , "recluse" , "game > bird" , "Patience of Americans" .)
'game bird' is the definition.
(I know that pheasant is a type of phasianid)
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for pheasant that I've seen before include "Cock" , "Ant heaps (anag.)" , "Game-bird" , "Colourful game bird" , "Wildfowl" .)
'game bird' is the definition.
(I've seen this before)
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for woodcock that I've seen before include "Snipe-like bird" , "Bird of sandpiper family" , "Game bird, like a snipe" , "Small game bird" , "Gamebird" .)
'game bird' is the definition.
(I know that grouse is a type of game bird)
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for grouse that I've seen before include "Complain like game bird" , "Bird - complaint" , "Petty complaint" , "Complain like gamebird" , "Gripe; game bird" .)
'game bird' is the definition.
(quail is a type of game bird)
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for quail that I've seen before include "Shrink; a bird" , "Flinch from small gamebird?" , "Small bird of the partridge family" , "Game bird; flinch" , "Show fear - of small game bird?" .)
I believe this clue is a double definition.
'game' is the first definition.
(both can mean a bit of fun)
'bird' is the second definition.
(lark is a kind of bird)
(Other definitions for lark that I've seen before include "Songbird; escapade" , "Jape; bird" , "Mischievous activity" , "Bird; frolic" , "Bird; prank" .)
This clue could be a double definition.
'game' is the first definition.
The answer and definition can be both animals as well as being singular nouns.
Maybe there's an association between them I don't understand?
'bird?' is the second definition.
(rook is a kind of bird)
Can you help me to learn more?
(Other definitions for rook that I've seen before include "Swindle (colloq.); bird" , "Defraud; bird; chessman" , "flier" , "Species of crow" , "A bird; overcharge" .)