Crossword Genius

Good hill rising to cave (6)


I believe the answer is:


'cave' is the definition.
(I know that grotto is a type of cave)

'good hill rising to' is the wordplay.
'good' becomes 'g' (abbreviation).
'hill' becomes 'tor' (tor is a kind of hill).
'rising' says the letters should be written in reverse (in a down clue, letters go up).
'tor' reversed gives 'rot'.

(Other definitions for grotto that I've seen before include "It's left on Dec 24 by Santa and his reindeer" , "fancy underground area" , "Small cave as at Lourdes" , "A picturesque cave as in Lourdes (6)" , "(Imitation) cave" .)

I've seen this clue in The Times and The Sunday Times.
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