He takes out capital cover that's not expensive (5)
I believe the answer is:
'that's not expensive' is the definition.
('cheap' is the opposite to 'expensive')
'he takes out capital' is the wordplay.
'takes' indicates putting letters inside (take can mean to capture or invade).
'out capital' becomes 'cap' (synonyms. I am not sure about the 'out' bit.).
'he' placed within 'cap' is 'CHEAP'.
'cover' acts as a link.
This may not be right. It may be part of another bit of the clue.
Can you help me to learn more?
(Other definitions for cheap that I've seen before include "Mean" , "Inexpensive or tastelessy showy" , "A snip" , "Tawdry - inexpensive" , "Base" .)