Crossword Genius

Heavily criticise article about the Roman church (8)


I believe the answer is:


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'roman church' is the definition.
'pantheon' can be an answer for 'church' (I've seen this before). I'm unsure of the 'roman' bit.

'heavily criticise article about' is the wordplay.
'heavily criticise' becomes 'pan' (informal term meaning to criticise heavily. I am not sure about the 'heavily' bit.).
'article' becomes 'the' (the definite article).
'about' becomes 'on' (as in a book 'on' a certain topic).

'the' is the link.

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(Other definitions for pantheon that I've seen before include "Temple of all the gods in ancient Greece" , "Circular temple in Rome" , "church" , "memorial" , "Hall of fame" .)

I've seen this clue in The Guardian.
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