Crossword Genius

Home help brought up in the country (5)


I believe the answer is:


'country' is the definition.
(India is an example)

'home help brought up' is the wordplay.
'home' becomes 'in' ('he's home' can mean 'he's in').
'help' becomes 'aid' ('aid' can be a synonym of 'help').
'brought up' says the letters should be written in reverse (down clues only).
'aid' back-to-front is 'dia'.

'in the' acts as a link.

(Other definitions for india that I've seen before include "Commonwealth state" , "Populous nation" , "Bollywood's country" , "It was once known as the Jewel in the Crown" , "Type of paper, rubber etc" .)

I've seen this clue in The Times.
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