Honest tone possibly about husband in front of drawing (2,3,5)
I believe the answer is:
on the level
'honest' is the definition.
(I've seen this in another clue)
'tone possibly about husband in front of drawing' is the wordplay.
'possibly' indicates anagramming the letters.
'about' indicates putting letters inside.
'husband' becomes 'h' (abbreviation).
'in front of' means one lot of letters go next to another (some letters go in front of others).
'drawing' becomes 'level' (drawing means level or even).
'tone' with letters rearranged gives 'onte'.
'onte' going around 'h' is 'onthe'.
'onthe'+'level'='ON THE LEVEL'
(Other definitions for on the level that I've seen before include "Honest, truthful (colloq.)" , "Honest - genuine" , "No tipping" , "Fair; honestly speaking" , "Some horse racing is" .)