Crossword Genius

I'm surprised to settle after industrial action (6,1,5)


I believe the answer is:

strike a light

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'i'm surprised' is the definition.
I know nothing about this answer so I cannot tell whether it can be defined by this definition.

'settle after industrial action' is the wordplay.
'settle' becomes 'alight' (I've seen this before).
'after' means one lot of letters go next to another.
'industrial action' becomes 'strike' (I've seen this before).
'alight' put after 'strike' is 'STRIKE A LIGHT'.

'to' acts as a link.

Can you help me to learn more?

(Other definitions for strike a light that I've seen before include "Goodness me!" , "What one may do when entering a cave" .)

I've seen this clue in The Times.
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