It might accompany Harry Belafonte - troupe's outsiders must visit Italian city on the way back (5,3)
I believe the answer is:
steel pan
'it might accompany harry belafonte troupe's outsiders must' is the definition.
I don't know anything about this answer so I cannot judge whether this works.
'visit italian city on the way back' is the wordplay.
I cannot quite understand how this works, but
'the' could be 't' (the is pronounced as a 't' sound in some dialects) and 't' is found within the answer.
'visit' could be 'see' (seeing is a kind of visiting) and 'see' is found in the leftover letters.
'way' could be 'n' (Compass direction - North) and 'n' is present in the answer.
This explanation may well be incorrect...
Can you help me to learn more?
(Another definition for steel pan that I've seen is " Percussion instrument".)