Crossword Genius

"Item of sixteenth century dress fake” — article in paper (8)


I believe the answer is:


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'item of sixteenth century dress' is the definition.
The answer and definition can be both man-made objects as well as being singular nouns.
Maybe they are linked in a way I don't understand?

'fake article in paper' is the wordplay.
I cannot really understand how this works, but
'fake' could be 'cod' (cod can mean false or inauthentic) and 'cod' is present in the answer.
'article' could be 'piece' (article can mean a thing or item) and 'piece' is located in the answer.
No letters remain.
This explanation may well be incorrect...

Can you help me to learn more?

(Other definitions for codpiece that I've seen before include "Medieval male accoutrement for the nether regions" , "Male dress item of former times" , "for promotion of virility?" , "What kept privates in place" , "men put on centuries ago" .)

I've seen this clue in The Times.
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