Key point made by Charles tackling Diana, maybe over bills (10)
I believe the answer is:
'key' is the definition.
The definition and answer can be both related to thinking as well as being singular nouns.
Maybe there's a link between them I don't understand?
'point made by charles tackling diana maybe over bills' is the wordplay.
I cannot really understand how this works, but
'point' could be 's' (South) and 's' is present in the answer.
'over' could be 'o' (cricket abbreviation) and 'o' is found within the answer.
'bills' could be 'ads' and 'ads' is located in the answer.
This may be the basis of the clue (or it may be nonsense).
Can you help me to learn more?
(Other definitions for crossroads that I've seen before include "Intersection of ways" , "Meeting of ways" , "Soap once" , "critical situation?" .)