Crossword Genius

Klopp elated about taking on City (6)


I believe the answer is:


'city' is the definition.
(Aleppo is an example)

'klopp elated about taking' is the wordplay.
'taking' says the answer is hidden in the clue (the answer is carried or taken by the clue).
'about' says the letters should be written backwards.
'oppela' can be found hidden inside 'klopp elated'.
'oppela' written backwards gives 'ALEPPO'.

'on' acts as a link.

(Other definitions for aleppo that I've seen before include "Lap Poe around the Syrian city" , "War-torn city of Syria" , "Ancient city, in Syria" , "City in Syria - lop ape (anag)" , "Foreign city" .)

I've seen this clue in The Independent.
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