Lug wax from odd space below church (7)
I believe the answer is:
'lug wax' is the definition.
'cerumen' can be an answer for 'wax' (cerumen is a kind of wax). I am unsure of the 'lug' bit.
'odd space below church' is the wordplay.
'odd' becomes 'rum' (rum can mean strange or dubious).
'space' becomes 'en' (in printing, a space as wide as a letter 'n').
'below' means one lot of letters go next to another (in a down clue, some letters go below others).
'church' becomes 'ce' (Church of England).
'rumen' put after 'ce' is 'CERUMEN'.
'from' acts as a link.
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I've seen this clue in The Times.
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