Crossword Genius

Military bases around both ends of enormous woodlands (7)


I believe the answer is:


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'woodlands' is the definition.
('forest' can be a synonym of 'woodland')

'military bases around both ends of enormous' is the wordplay.
'military bases' becomes 'forts' (forting is a kind of basing. I am not sure about the 'military' bit.).
'around' means one lot of letters goes inside another.
'both ends of' suggests removing the centre (only the letters at each end of the word).
'enormous' with its middle removed is 'es'.
'forts' placed around 'es' is 'FORESTS'.

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(Other definitions for forests that I've seen before include "Large, densely-wooded area" , "Densely wooded areas" , "Large woods" , "Woodlands" .)

I've seen this clue in The Telegraph.
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