Crossword Genius

One on the rebound is content to neck with hot love (4)


I believe the answer is:


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'one on the rebound' is the definition.
'echo' can be an answer for 'rebound' (reflected sound). I'm unsure of the 'one on the' bit.

'content to neck with hot love' is the wordplay.
'content to' means to look at the middle letters (the contents of the word).
'with' means one lot of letters go next to another.
'hot' becomes 'h' (abbreviation eg on taps).
'love' becomes 'o' (love means zero in tennis).
The middle letters of 'neck' are 'ec'.

'is' acts as a link.

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(Other definitions for echo that I've seen before include "Audio effect" , "'Greek nymph, she pined away until only her voice remained (4)'" , "A natural sound reflection" , "repeated answer" , "Reflect sound" .)

I've seen this clue in The Independent.
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