Crossword Genius

Pen old university student put in jacket (7)


I believe the answer is:


'jacket' is the definition.
(cagoule is a kind of jacket)

'pen old university student put in' is the wordplay.
'pen' becomes 'cage' (I've seen this before).
'old' becomes 'o' (abbreviation as in OT - Old Testament).
'university' becomes 'U' (abbreviation for university).
'student' becomes 'L' (as in L-plates for learner drivers).
'put in' is an insertion indicator.
'cage' placed around 'oul' is 'CAGOULE'.

(Other definitions for cagoule that I've seen before include "Hooded waterproof anarak" , "coat" , "Waterproof garment" , "Hiker's waterproof" , "Hooded jacket" .)

I've seen this clue in The Daily Express.
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