Crossword Genius

Pitch of the road (3)


I think it could be either:

Which length description are you looking for?:


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'pitch' is the definition.
(I know that pitch can be written as tar)

'the road' is the wordplay.
'the' becomes 't' (the is pronounced as a 't' sound in some dialects).
'road' becomes 'ar' (I can't justify this - if you can you should believe this answer much more).

'of' acts as a link.

Can you help me to learn more?

(Other definitions for tar that I've seen before include "Viscous liquid; sailor" , "Hearty" , "'Thick, dark, sticky liquid (3)'" , "Product of smoking cigarettes" , "Old salt, sailor" .)

I've seen this clue in The Globe and Mail.
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