Crossword Genius

Poet certainly receiving a bouquet at the end (5)


I believe the answer is:


'poet' is the definition.
(I know that Yeats is a poet)

'certainly receiving a bouquet at the end' is the wordplay.
'certainly' becomes 'yes' (both can be used to answer in the affirmative).
'receiving' is an insertion indicator.
'at the end' says to take the final letters.
The final letter of 'bouquet' is 't'.
'yes' enclosing 'at' is 'YEATS'.

(Other definitions for yeats that I've seen before include "Irish poet (The Winding Stair)" , "literary figure" , "W B . . . . ., great Irish poet" , "William Butler ..., great Irish poet" , "William Butler ....., poet and dramatist" .)

I've seen this clue in The Telegraph.
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