Crossword Genius

Prepare to turn around one hundred baking sheets (4,5)


I believe the answer is:

rice paper

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'prepare to turn around one hundred baking sheets' is the definition.
I can't tell whether this definition defines the answer.

'prepare to turn around one hundred' is the wordplay.
'to turn' indicates anagramming the letters (letters turn into something else).
'around' is an insertion indicator.
'one' becomes 'i' (Roman numeral).
'hundred' becomes 'c' (Roman numeral).
'prepare' with letters rearranged gives 'repaper'.
'repaper' enclosing 'ic' is 'RICE-PAPER'.

Can you help me to learn more?

(Other definitions for rice paper that I've seen before include "baking aid" , "Thin edible base for baking" , "Cook it and eat it, don't write on it" , "Thin edible sheet used in cooking" , "thin basis for dish" .)

I've seen this clue in The Independent.
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