Redeeming feature of change by Heather around home (6,6)
I believe the answer is:
silver lining
'redeeming feature' is the definition.
Although both the answer and definition are singular nouns, I don't see how one could define the other.
'change by heather around home' is the wordplay.
'change by' becomes 'silver' (silver coins, bits of change. I am not sure about the 'by' bit.).
'heather' becomes 'ling' (synonyms).
'around' means one lot of letters goes inside another.
'home' becomes 'in' ('he's home' can mean 'he's in').
'ling' going around 'in' is 'lining'.
'silver'+'lining'='SILVER LINING'
'of' is the link.
Can you help me to learn more?
(Other definitions for silver lining that I've seen before include "Redeeming aspect of an unfortunate situation" , "The bright side" , "Consoling aspect of a difficult situation" , "Compensating feature of cloud" , "Redeeming aspect of unpleasant situation" .)