Crossword Genius

Relative on King Island with an Abominable Snowman (9)


I believe the answer is:


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'relative on king island' is the definition.
'kinswoman' can be an answer for 'relative' (kinswoman is a kind of relative). I'm not sure about the 'on king island' bit.

'an abominable snowman' is the wordplay.
I cannot really understand how this works, but
'an' could be 'i' (Roman numeral for one) and 'i' is found within the answer.
an anagram of 'snowman' is 'nswoman' which is present in the answer.
A single letter 'k' remains which might be clued in a way I don't see.
This may be the basis of the clue (or it may be nonsense).

'with' acts as a link.

Can you help me to learn more?

(Other definitions for kinswoman that I've seen before include "Relation" , "Female family member" , "one of the family!" , "Female relative" .)

I've seen this clue in the Sydney Morning Herald.
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