Crossword Genius

Rowdy spectator going OTT with antics (6)


I believe the answer is:


'antics' is the definition.
('caper' can be a synonym of 'antic')

'rowdy spectator going ott' is the wordplay.
'rowdy' indicates an anagram.
'going' suggests deleting specific letters.
'spectator' with 'ott' taken away is 'specar'.
'specar' anagrammed gives 'CAPERS'.

'with' is the link.

(Other definitions for capers that I've seen before include "Scrape over romps" , "Scrape (anag)" , "Antics and pickled buds" , "Light-hearted fun" , "Escapades or pungent flower buds" .)

I've seen this clue in The Irish Times.
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