Shabby (4-5)

'shabby' is the definition.
(I know that shabby can be written as moth-eaten)
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for moth-eaten that I've seen before include "Old, in bad condition" , "Showing severe signs of wear and tear" , "Tatty" , "Falling to bits" , "Shabby" .)
'shabby' is the definition.
(I've seen this before)
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for dilapidated that I've seen before include "Worn-out" , "Almost ruined" , "In state of disrepair" , "Broken down and falling to bits" , "shabby" .)
'shabby' is the definition.
(I've seen this before)
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for seedy that I've seen before include "Not well turned out" , "Sleazy, sordid" , "Sordid, squalid" , "Down-at-heel" , "Unpleasant" .)
'shabby' is the definition.
(I know that shabby can be written as ratty)
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for ratty that I've seen before include "Waspish" , "Bad tempered" , "Bad-tempered, irritable as a rodent" , "his friend being a dangerous driver" , "Irritable, peevish" .)
'shabby' is the definition.
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for dowdy that I've seen before include "Frumpish" , "Drab" , "Lacking chic" , "Drably dressed" , "Unsmart" .)
'shabby' is the definition.
(I know that shabby can be written as tatty)
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for tatty that I've seen before include "Tawdry" , "Frayed" , "Worn, scruffy" , "of poor quality" , "of inferior quality" .)
'shabby' is the definition.
(I've seen this in another clue)
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for mangy that I've seen before include "Scabby" , "Having a skin disease" , "Shabby - moth-eaten" .)
'shabby' is the definition.
(I've seen this in another clue)
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for dingy that I've seen before include "Dirty-looking, run-down" , "Dim" , "Dismal" , "Drab and depressing" , "Dark and rather dirty" .)
'shabby' is the definition.
(I've seen this before)
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for threadbare that I've seen before include "Frayed" , "cliche-ridden" , "Ragged" , "Has little nap" , "Tired" .)
(Other definitions for shoddy that I've seen before include "cheap material" , "Cheap and tawdry" , "Badly made or done" , "Badly engineered" , "Gimcrack" .)
(Other definitions for unkind that I've seen before include "Cold-hearted" , "Harsh, pitiless" , "Thoughtless -- inhumane" , "Uncaring, nasty" , "Unsympathetic or cruel" .)
'shabby' is the definition.
(similar in meaning)
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for worn that I've seen before include "Looking tired and exhausted" , "Hackneyed, trite" , "Sported on the body" , "Damaged by long use" , "Shabby" .)